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Legislation - Declaratory Act

Executive Declaratory Act SRF No. 37 of July 26, 2002

DOU of 07/29/2002

Disqualification of technical research pursuant to art. 21 of Law No. 9430, 1996.

THE SECRETARY OF FEDERAL REVENUE, in exercise of its powers and in view of the provisions of art. 21 of Law No. 9.430, of December 27, 1996, the SRF Normative Instruction No. 38, of April 30, 1997, and contained in Case No. 16327.002660 / 2001-71, states:

Art. 1 disqualified the technical survey conducted by Price Waterhouse Coopers company, presented by the corporate Janssen-Cilag Pharmaceutical LTD., Enrolled with the CNPJ / MF nº 51,780,468 / 0001-87.

Art. 2. This act shall enter into force on the date of its publication.


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